


"On my mat I find space, gratitude and possibilities are infinite. I want everyone to experience this....." - A$

Trap Yoga® was born on a yoga mat in Southern California to Chicagoan named Asia Nichole. Aiming to make more philanthropist and yogis out of her peers and friends,  Asia set out to connect the scenesters, the movers and shakers to the beautiful practice of Yoga.

Trap Yoga® is designed to be a full body workout that challenges not only the body but the mind as well. it is an athletic style yoga with dynamic movment+ sequencing. 

Trap Yoga® offers its' subscribers yoga based artistic/holistic social events. Facilitating and holding space for progressive adults to not only have a good time, but to make a difference in their body’s and the world they live.

Trap Yoga donates a portion of all proceeds made to different Chicago based charities as part of our Seva, or “Selfless Service”. In Addition to hosting quarterly charitable events.